Privacy Policy and terms of use

The Privacy Policy detailed below governs the methods of online data collection utilised by the London Organisation of Skills Development (LOSD) and its affiliated entities (“Organisation,” “we,” or “us”). It specifies the kinds of information gathered when using websites managed by the Organisation, such as among others (collectively referred to as the “Site”). Protecting your privacy is our top priority, and we are devoted to securing your personal data. Our data processing practices align with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards to ensure the security and confidentiality of your information.

Coverage and Categories

The scope of this Privacy Policy primarily addresses the information collected online. However, it may also encompass certain data provided offline or through alternative channels (such as live events, phone calls, or mail interactions).

This policy delineates how our Company gathers information from all users of our Internet services (“Services”), including individuals accessing certain Services without accounts (“Visitors”), and those who might purchase products or subscribe to the Service through a monthly fee (“Members”).

How Data is Gathered

The information we gather from or about you varies based on your usage of the Site.

Information Provided by You:

Online registration

The Site communicates solely with individuals who explicitly request it or who have subscribed to receive our communications. This involves individuals who have attended our events or bought our products, providing information such as name, email for registration or opt-in, as well as name, postal address, and credit card details for event registration or product purchase.


Purchasing Online

When you purchase services or products directly from our Company, the personal information you provide will solely be utilised to process that particular order. If you place an order for another company associated with our Site, like an online gift sent to a recipient, you might be requested to provide recipient details such as their name, address, and phone number. Our company cannot govern how third parties use any personal information provided.


Registering for Our Products or Services

The personal details gathered from Members upon sign-up (or at any point) are primarily utilised to tailor their experience when using our products and Services. This includes information like name, address, phone number, billing details (such as credit card numbers), and the type of personal computer used to access the Services.


Correspondence and Assistance

When reaching out for support or to report an issue or inquiry (even if you haven’t created an account), we gather and retain your contact details, messages, and additional information about you, including your name, email address, messages, location, and any other data you provide or that we collect through automated methods.


Information from External 3rd Part Websites

You also have the option to link your LOSD account on the Site with your account on a third-party site, such as Facebook. If you’ve accessed our Site through a social media platform, like Facebook, we may collect information linked to your social media account. This personal data might include your first and last name, gender, location, username, email address, profile picture, or phone number.


Referral Links

If you’ve registered for or purchased something from LOSD through an affiliate link, the individual or entity managing that link will possess the information you provided. This might encompass your email address, name, address, or any other details requested during the process.

Applying to be part of LOSD

Upon applying for a job opportunity via the Site, we gather details including full name, email address, phone number, location, curriculum vitae (CV), and LinkedIn profile information.


Information Obtained via Automated Methods

Technical Information

Information regarding your computer or device, such as the IP address, device type, operating system type, and version. This information aids in enhancing the delivery of our web pages and measuring traffic on the Site.


Certain personal information might be acquired through the LOSD Quiz Assessment. This assessment is designed to help users gain self-awareness. However, the data collected from this assessment is utilised not only for user awareness but also as a recommendation tool for marketing purposes. The information gathered during the assessment might also be employed for direct marketing profiling.

Information is gathered through the utilisation of cookies, web beacons, and tracking technologies. For further information about the specific types of cookies in use, kindly refer to the “Cookie Policy.”

The categories of information we gather and retain

We might acquire personal and sensitive personal data concerning you and maintain this information concerning the delivery and completion of our Services for your benefit. This could involve:


Email Address

Mailing Address

Billing Address

PayPal Email Address

Masked Credit Card Information (for – refunds)



Marital Status


Income Range



Parent Status

Other responses to surveys and questionnaires

Sign-up source

Date of account creation

Date of account updates

IP address

Time stamp

Device type

Operating system


Email open clicks

User ID

User behaviour

Login history

Order details


Facebook ID




Time zone


NPS score

Your rating of our support

Telephone number

Telephone call recordings

Testimonials, with your authorisation

Anonymised Social Media comments

Live location

Sexual orientation

How we utilise your personal data

The aforementioned personal information might serve the following objectives:

  • Facilitating, enhancing, or endorsing our Service
  • Initiating communication with you
  • When you’ve opted to receive emails
  • Addressing your email queries. In particular, when Visitors or Members send us email inquiries, the return email address is solely utilised to respond to the received email inquiry. We do not employ the return email address for any other purpose or disclose it to third parties
  • Observing and evaluating trends such as purchase history, sales records, site engagement, email interactions
  • Promoting our products and Services via email marketing, advertising, including retargeting through Google and Facebook notifications
  • Conducting accounting, administrative, and legal responsibilities
  • Profiling or aligning user preferences for an enhanced and efficient user experience

Who can access your data within our organisation

Access to your data within our Organisation is restricted to individuals who necessitate it to deliver the products and Services you acquire from us, to communicate with you, and to address your inquiries, including refund requests. These staff members may belong to various teams such as marketing, events, development, executive, and customer support. Employees are granted access to data pertinent to their respective teams, based on a “need-to-know” principle.

Sharing your data outside our organisation

Service Providers

We may engage service providers to manage and enhance the Site, aiding in specific functions such as payment processing, email transmission, survey or contest administration, data hosting, advertisement management, third-party solutions for marketing and analytics, as well as certain aspects of our technical and customer support. We implement measures to ensure that these service providers access, process, and store information about you solely for the authorized purposes, facilitated by the execution of Data Processing Agreements or Addenda.

Legal Obligations

We might access, retain, and reveal information about you, including message content, to external parties if we deem such disclosure aligns with or is mandated by applicable laws, regulations, legal procedures, or auditing requirements. Additionally, we may divulge information about you if we perceive that your actions contradict our Terms and Conditions, associated guidelines, or policies, or if it’s essential to safeguard the rights, assets, or safety of the Company or others, or to prevent fraud or misuse.

Business Transitions

In scenarios where we (or our assets) undergo acquisition, business cessation, bankruptcy, or any other alteration of control, personal information could constitute one of the assets transferred to or acquired by a third party.

Reasons and Duration of Information Storage

We uphold certain collected information from you throughout your membership on the Site and, in specific cases, even after you’ve deleted your account for the following reasons:

  • Facilitating your use of our Site
  • Respecting your communication preferences
  • Issuing entitled refunds
  • Enhancing our understanding of Site traffic for an optimal member experience
  • Identifying and preventing Site misuse, unlawful activities, and violations of our Terms and Conditions
  • Adhering to relevant legal, tax, or accounting obligations

We maintain user data for durations necessary to serve the aforementioned purposes. This entails varying retention periods for distinct data categories, dependent on the data type, user category, and the purposes behind data collection.

Advertising Notifications

Google Analytics

We utilise Google Analytics Advertiser Features to enhance our business operations. These features encompass:

  • Remarketing via Google Analytics
  • Google Display Network Impression Reporting
  • Integration with DoubleClick Platform
  • Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting

Among its functionalities, this enables us to reach out if you commence filling our checkout form but abandon it midway, sending an email to prompt completion. Through the “Remarketing” attribute, we engage individuals who previously visited our Site, aligning the appropriate audience with pertinent advertising content.

Social Media Advertising

In our capacity as advertisers on Social Media including Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. We (not the social media site) may gather content or details from a social media user. The utilisation of such information will align with the specifications outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Data Security

We enforce a range of administrative, managerial, and technical security protocols to assist in safeguarding your personal information. Our Company adheres to internal control standards specifically linked to the management of personal information. These standards encompass controls aimed at fortifying the security of the data collected online. Our staff undergoes training to comprehend and adhere to these controls, and we communicate our Privacy Policy, practices, and guidelines to our employees. Although we endeavour to shield your personal information, it’s imperative for you to also take measures to safeguard your information. We strongly advise exercising caution to protect your personal information while using the Internet.

Your Rights under the GDPR

If you are within the EU, specific rights apply to you, including:

  • Right to access: This enables you to acquire a copy of your personal data along with supplementary information.
  • Right to restrict processing: You can limit the processing of your personal data under certain circumstances.
  • Right to rectification: You can request correction of any incomplete or inaccurate information we possess about you.
  • Right to object to processing: This permits you to halt or prevent the processing of your personal data. You can exercise this right when we rely on a legitimate interest as the basis for processing your Personal Data. Additionally, you can object to processing for direct marketing or profiling purposes.
  • Right to erasure: You can request deletion or removal of Personal Data when it’s no longer necessary for the original purpose of collection or processing.
  • Right to data portability: You have the right to receive your personal data provided to LOSD in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.
To assert your rights, contact LOSD’s Data Protection Officer via email at:

This Policy aligns with GDPR

The table below delineates the personal information categories gathered in the past 12 months, their sources, and the utilisation and sharing of this information for business purposes within the preceding 12 months.

  • Identifiers: Such as your name, mailing address, email address, PayPal email address, phone numbers, or comparable identifying information.

Directly from you, or through our website or app technology’s interaction with your browser or devices, and via cookies that track the pages you access.

Service providers and third-party vendors associated with LOSD.

  • Payment Details: Including name, obscured credit card details (for refund purposes), billing address, and payment records.

Directly from you or through our website or app technology engaging with your browser or devices, including cookies monitoring the pages you view.

Service providers and third-party vendors associated with LOSD.

  • Traits falling under Protected Classifications as per State or Federal Law: Age, Gender, Marital Status, Religion, Parental Status

Gathered either directly from you or through our website or app technology’s engagement with your browser or devices, including cookies monitoring the pages you navigate.

  • Voluntarily Provided Information: Any information you choose to provide, like survey responses and social media account particulars, encompassing income range, preferences, goals, and additional personal details disclosed in surveys or communications.

Derived either directly from you or through our website or app technology’s engagement with your browser or devices, which includes cookies tracing the pages you explore.

  • Customisation: deductions made from your online interactions and your utilisation of our site and app, forming a profile mirroring your preferences, attributes, interests, and actions.

Collected either directly from you or through our website or app technology’s interaction with your browser or devices, including cookies that monitor the pages you visit.

Details regarding Internet or similar electronic network activities: IP address, geolocation data, internet service provider, operating system, browser utilised, device type, search history, device cookie preferences, and additional device specifics.

Obtained either directly from you or through our website or app technology’s engagement with your browser or devices, including cookies that monitor the pages you browse.

The rights users have under GDPR

As a user, you have the right to be informed about how your personal data is collected and used.

At the point of collecting your data, you can view this privacy policy to see how it will be used.

While there are instances where privacy information isn’t required—such as when you already possess the information or when providing it involves disproportionate effort—the information provided to you on this privacy policy is clear, concise, accessible, and in plain language.

To effectively communicate this information, multiple techniques like layering, dashboards, and just-in-time notices are  employed. Your feedback through user testing helps us evaluate the effectiveness of conveying privacy information.

This privacy policy is regularly reviewed and updated. Any new use of your personal data is brought to your attention before processing begins.

Opt out


You have the option to decline personalised ads provided by our service providers by following the guidance provided on the Service:

Through Our “Cookie Consent” notification banner

Or Our “CCPA Opt-out” notification banner

Or Our “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” notification banner

Or Our “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link

Mobile Devices:

Your mobile device may allow you to refuse the use of information concerning the apps you use for the purpose of targeting personalised ads based on your interests:

“Opt out of Interest-Based Ads” or “Opt out of Ads Personalisation” on Android devices

“Limit Ad Tracking” on iOS devices

Right to Rectification:

You have the right to rectify any inaccuracies in the Personal Information we collected about you.


To assert any of these rights under GDPR, please email or visit For further insights into your rights and the process to enact them, refer to our Provacy Policy. Please allow up to 45 days for us to process your request. You may submit such a request once per year.


Non-discrimination: You have the right to not encounter discriminatory treatment for exercising privacy rights under GDPR.

While our Site does not react to Do Not Track signals, certain third-party websites monitor your browsing activities. If you visit such websites, you can manage your preferences in your web browser to indicate that you prefer not to be tracked. You have the option to enable or disable DNT by accessing the preferences or settings section of your web browser.

Our policy regarding children

This statement about children’s privacy outlines our procedures concerning the collection and utilisation of personal information from children under the age of thirteen online. It also includes crucial information about their rights as per law regarding such data.

This Site is not designed for children under the age of thirteen, and we do not knowingly gather personally identifiable information from children under thirteen or distribute such data to third parties. We conduct checks on users seeking to provide personal information to prevent those under thirteen from sharing such details. If we inadvertently receive personally identifiable information from a user under thirteen on the Site, we promptly remove it from our records. In the event of any future changes in our practices, we will first obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting any personally identifiable information from children under thirteen as part of the Site.

Individuals under the age of 18, who are registered users of online platforms, services, or applications, have the ability to request and acquire the deletion of content or information they have publicly shared. To make such a removal request, if you are a California resident, you can reach out to us using the contact details provided below and include the email address linked to your account. Please note that submitting your request does not ensure the complete or comprehensive removal of content or information posted online, and certain circumstances may not allow or require their removal according to the law.

Our Site might feature links to other websites not managed by us. Clicking on a third-party link will redirect you to their respective site. We highly recommend reviewing the Privacy Policy of each website you visit.

Updates to this Policy

Our Privacy Policy may undergo periodic updates. Notifications of any alterations will be made by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. Should there be any significant modifications to the Policy, we will strive to offer suitable notice, or as mandated by applicable law. The date at the bottom of this page indicates the last update to the Policy. We recommend checking this Privacy Policy periodically for any adjustments. Changes to this Privacy Policy become effective upon posting on this page.

Contact us

For inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please email or visit