
wellbeing retreat for business owners & entrepreneurs

Our wellbeing retreat offers a structured program which allows business owners and entrepreneurs to step away from their daily routines, recharge, and prioritize physical, mental, and emotional health.

These retreats often incorporate elements such as mindfulness practices, meditation, yoga, healthy eating, fitness activities, workshops on stress management and resilience, as well as opportunities for networking and connecting with like-minded individuals.

The goal is to promote holistic wellbeing, reduce burnout, enhance productivity, and foster personal and professional growth in a supportive and rejuvenating environment.

Our retreats includes:

Mindfulness practices



Healthy eating

Fitness activities

Workshops on stress management and resilience

Opportunities for networking and connecting with like-minded individuals

Promote holistic wellbeing

Reduce burnout

Enhance productivity

Foster personal and professional growth

Provide a supportive and rejuvenating environment

Register your interest to be part of our exclusive LOSD Wellbeing retreat

Wellbeing Retreat Registration Form

1. Personal Information
2. Retreat Preferences:
3. Health Information:
4. Payment Information:
5. Terms and Conditions:
You must have proof of travel insurance to attend this conference